【Registration Open for a Limited Time】From now until 31 Dec 2025, all J.P. Morgan DIRECT Investment Platform customers can enjoy a lifetime $0 subscription fee offer^ by completing the following 2 steps:

    (1) Submit this registration form

    (2) Upon successful registration, the lifetime offer will become effective for your MasterAccount within 5 business days. To enable the offer, please execute at least three monthly Schedule Buy transactions via eScheduler on the J.P. Morgan eTrading platform within five months from the date of registration (Schedule Switch or One-time Schedule Buy transactions are excluded).

^Click here for the promotion’s details, terms and conditions.


    (1) 提交此登記表格

    (2) 成功登記後,永久認購費優惠將於5個營業日內在您的綜合理財賬戶自動生效。要啟用此永久優惠,請並於登記日起五個月內,透過摩根網上交易平台經eScheduler預設認購在該綜合理財賬戶上執行最少三次每月投資交易(不含預設轉換或一次性預設認購交易)。


Please ensure the information provided is correct before clicking “Submit”.

* indicates a required field. / * 號為必須填寫

Your Email Address *

The same current email address registered with your MasterAccount

Your MasterAccount Number *

Connect for More Rewards


Your Email *

Same email address used to open MasterAccount / 開立綜合理財帳戶時所登記的電郵地址

Your MasterAccount number *
MasterAccount No. of Your Relative/Friend *

Terms and Conditions 條款及條件


Terms and Conditions

  1. From 26 February 2025 to 31 December 2025 (the “Registration Deadline"), new and existing clients of JPMorgan Funds (Asia) Limited (“JPMFAL”) can enjoy lifetime $0 subscription fee for transaction(s) placed in MasterAccount (the “Offer”) subject to fulfilling the conditions below.

  2. For the purpose of these terms and conditions:
    “Business Day” is a day other than a Saturday or Sunday on which banks in Hong Kong are open for normal banking business.
    “Existing clients” means clients who have maintained a MasterAccount with JPMFAL as of 26 February 2025.
    “New clients” means clients who do not maintain a MasterAccount with JPMFAL as of 26 February 2025.

  3. To be eligible for the Offer, existing clients must:
    (i) have successfully registered for the Offer with their MasterAccount number and email address via this link on or before the Registration Deadline;
    (ii) (ii) execute at least three monthly Schedule Buy transactions via eScheduler (Schedule Switch or One-time Schedule Buy transactions are excluded) on the J.P. Morgan eTrading platform (https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk) (currently branded as J.P. Morgan DIRECT Investment Platform, “eTrading Platform”) in their MasterAccount within five months from the date of registration.
    JPMFAL will, by email or other means of communication, notify clients who have successfully registered for the Offer. For the purpose of the Offer, the date of such communication will be deemed as the date of registration.The lifetime $0 subscription fee under the Offer will become effective on a MasterAccount no later than five (5) Business Days after the date of registration.

  4. To be eligible for the Offer, new clients must:
    (i) have successfully opened a MasterAccount (“MasterAccount”) with JPMFAL on or before the Registration Deadline by completing and submitting the MasterAccount application online at https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk/oao;
    (ii) execute at least three monthly Schedule Buy transactions via eScheduler (Schedule Switch or One-time Schedule Buy transactions are excluded) on the eTrading Platform (https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk) in their MasterAccount within five months after the MasterAccount has been successfully opened.
    JPMFAL will, by email or other communication means, notify clients whose MasterAccounts have been successfully opened. For the purpose of the Offer, the date of such communication will determine the date on which the client successfully opened their MasterAccount. The lifetime $0 subscription fee under the Offer will become effective on the MasterAccount no later than five (5) Business Days after the MasterAccount has been successfully opened.

  5. Once the Offer becomes effective on a MasterAccount, the MasterAccount’s tier will become Select tier, and will be indicated with the word “Select” on the eTrading Platform. For example, if the client is a Silver tier client, once the Offer becomes effective on the relevant MasterAccount, the tier will be changed to Select tier and indicated as “Select” on the eTrading Platform. It is the sole responsibility of the clients to review their tier statuses and order details on the eTrading Platform, and confirm whether the Offer has been applied to their MasterAccounts and dealing orders as expected.

  6. In order to stay eligible for the Offer, existing clients and new clients must have at least three monthly Schedule Buy transactions validly executed under the monthly investment plan via eScheduler (Schedule Switch or One-time Schedule Buy transactions are excluded) within the specified timeframe in accordance with paragraph 3(ii) and 4(ii) above, respectively. In the event that no subscriptions were successfully made under such monthly investment plan for any reason (e.g. invalid payments) within the specified timeframe, the Offer will be withdrawn and cancelled on the relevant MasterAccount at any time and without any notice.

  7. In the event that a client terminates the MasterAccount, the Offer will be withdrawn and cancelled upon termination of the relevant MasterAccount and will not be reinstated.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. The Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers or discounts.

  2. The Offer cannot be exchanged for cash and other products from JPMFAL or its affiliates.

  3. To be eligible for the Offer, clients are required to (a) access the websites of JPMFAL within Hong Kong, (b) be the residents of Hong Kong holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card or Passport accepted by JPMFAL, (c) be at least 18 years of age, and (d) comply with all applicable terms and conditions relating to the Offer. JPMFAL reserves the right to verify the eligibility of clients and disqualify any client in the event that such a client does not meet any of the aforementioned requirements.

  4. JPMFAL is not responsible for any event of force majeure, any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, telephone lines or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to client's or any other person's computer or other electronic devices or property related to or resulting from the participation in or downloading of any materials from the websites of JPMFAL.

  5. The copyright of the materials contained at the websites of JPMFAL and any webpage that are linked to the websites belong to JPMFAL. No part of such materials included may be reproduced, transmitted or downloaded and saved, except that you may copy any part of such material subject to the following conditions:
    a. The material may be used only for private use and for non-commercial purposes.
    b. The copies must retain any copyright or other intellectual property notices contained in the original material; and
    c. The products, technology or processes described on the websites of JPMFAL and any webpage that are linked to the websites of JPMFAL may be the subject of other intellectual property rights reserved by JPMFAL or by other third parties. No license is granted herein in respect of those intellectual property rights.

  6. Participants of the Offer agree that no claim shall be asserted against the JPMFAL or its affiliates, or any of their respective directors, officers, employees or agents from any and all losses (including special, indirect and consequential losses), damages, rights, claims and actions of any kind resulting from participating in the Offer.

  7. JPMFAL reserves the right to cancel the Offer or to modify the related terms and conditions at any time without further notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of JPMFAL is final and conclusive.

  8. In case of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.

  9. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

新客戶及現有客戶終身 0% 認購費優惠


  1. 由2025年2月26日 至2025年12月31日(“截止登記日期”),在摩根基金(亞洲)有限公司(“摩根”)的新客戶及現有客戶在滿足以下條款及條件的前提下可在其綜合理財帳戶上的所有交易享有終身$0認購費(“此優惠”)。

  2. 就此條款及條件而言:
    “現有客戶”是指,截至 2025年 2 月26 日持有綜合理財賬戶的客戶。
    “新客戶”是指,截至 2025 年 2 月 26 日並未持有綜合理財賬戶的客戶。

  3. 現有客戶必須:
    (i) 經此連結在截止登記日期或之前成功以其綜合理財賬戶號碼及電郵地址登記享有此優惠;

    (ii) 在成功開戶後五個月內,透過摩根網上交易平台(https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk)(“網上交易平台”) 經eScheduler預設認購在帳戶上執行最少三次每月投資交易(不含預設轉換或一次性預設認購交易),方符合資格享有此優惠。

  4. 新客戶必須:
    (i) 在截止登記日期或之前在https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk/oao 提交及完成綜合理財帳戶開戶申請並成功開立綜合理財帳戶(“綜合理財帳戶”);

    (ii) 在成功開戶後兩個月內,透過摩根網上交易平台(https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk)(“網上交易平台”) 經eScheduler在帳戶上執行最少一個每月投資計劃,方符合資格享有此優惠。

  5. 當此優惠在綜合理財帳戶上生效時,綜合理財帳戶級別將更改為”特選”級別,並在摩根網上交易平台 (https://etrading.jpmorganam.com.hk) (“網上交易平台”) 上顯示為”特選”級別。例如,如客戶為銀星級別客戶,當此優惠在相關綜合理財帳戶上生效時,該級別將更改為”特選”級別,並在網上交易平台上顯示為“特選”級別。客戶有責任在網上交易平台上查看其帳戶級別及交易詳細資料,並確認此優惠是否已按預期在綜合理財帳戶上生效。

  6. 現有客戶及新客戶之綜合理財帳戶必須分別在以上第3(ii)及4(ii)項所指定之時間以内,至少三次成功經eScheduler預設認購的每月投資執行認購交易 (不含預設轉換或一次性預設認購交易),方可繼續享有此優惠。 如果在指定時間內基於任何原因(如付款無效),並無成功透過該每月投資計劃進行認購交易,此優惠將隨時在相關綜合理財帳戶上撤回並取消,並恕不另行通知。

  7. 如客戶終止綜合理財帳戶,此優惠將在相關綜合理財帳戶終止時撤回並取消,並不獲恢復。


  1. 此優惠不能與其他推廣優惠或折扣同時使用。

  2. 此優惠不可兌換為現金或摩根或其聯屬公司的其他產品。

  3. 所有參加者必須 (a) 在香港登入摩根網站, (b) 身為香港居民,持有有效香港身份證或摩根認可的護照,(c) 年滿18歲, (d) 並符合所有相關優惠中所適用的條款及條件,方可參加是次優惠活動。摩根有權查證參加者是否符合資格,如發現參加者未能符合以上資格,即有權取消其參加資格。

  4. 摩根不會對以下情況負責:不可抗力事件,電話網路或線路、電腦網路系統、伺服器、供應商、電腦設備的任何問題或技術故障,任何電子郵件軟體故障,參加記錄因技術問題或網路、電話線路或任何網站堵塞或多項問題而未能送達,或因參與或下載任何資料而造成參加者或他人電腦或其他電子儀器的損毀。

  5. 摩根之網站與任何連接網站所載資料的版權均屬摩根所有。該等資料概不得複製、傳送或下載及儲存,惟參加者可在下列情況下複製任何該等資料:
    a. 資料僅作私人或非商業用途。
    b. 複製本必須保留原資料所載的任何版權或其他知識產權告示;及
    c. 摩根網站與任何連接網站所述產品、科技或過程或可能受摩根或其他第三方所保留其他知識產權所保障。本條款及條件概無就該等知識產權授出許可。

  6. 優惠參加者同意,若因參加優惠而造成任何損失、損害、權利、申索及訴訟,將不會就該等任何損失(包括特殊、間接及連帶損失)而向摩根或其聯屬公司,或其各自的任何董事、職員或代理人提出申索。

  7. 摩根保留取消此優惠或修訂有關條款及條件的權利而毋須另行通知。如有任何爭議,以摩根之最終決定為準。

  8. 若本條款及條件之中文與英文版本有任何歧異,概以英文版本為準。

  9. 本條款及條件於任何情況下均受到香港特別行政區法例之監管。

I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions of “LIFETIME $0 Subscription Fee for J.P. Morgan DIRECT Investment Platform Customers”, and confirm that the registration information provided is correct.
本人已閱讀及同意「摩根DIRECT投資平台客戶 永久$0認購費優惠」的條款及條件,並確認所提供的登記資料正確無誤。

I have read and agreed to the “Personal Data Privacy Statement“, in connection with the provision of personal data or information to JPMorgan Funds (Asia) Limited(including for direct marketing purpose).
本人已閱讀及同意「 個人資料私隱聲明」 所述就向摩根基金(亞洲)有限公司提供個人資料之使用 (包括直接促銷用途)。

